oriented graph

美 [ˈɔːrientɪd ɡræf]英 [ˈɔːrientɪd ɡræf]
  • 有向图;定向图
oriented graphoriented graph
  1. For any two vertices u and v in oriented graph D , a u - v geodesic is a shortest directed path from u to v.


  2. Oriented Graph Based Method for Testing Structural Controllability


  3. Design and implementation of a math - oriented graph editor


  4. The research of assembly sequence of agile fixture elements based on oriented graph


  5. Generation of cover system for numerical manifold in travel theory of the oriented graph


  6. First , tree structure is constructed , and the oriented graph of the system is drawn .


  7. The use of oriented graph in reordering the structure asymmetric sparse matrix


  8. Through practical application and theoretical analysis of oriented graph , dynamic programming and moving multi-cone methods , a new method for determining optimum open pit limits using computers is developed .


  9. Large networks attack can be researched base on the graph theory , because the character of its network connect and route of spread is related closely to weighted and oriented graph .


  10. This article analyses the basic theory of oriented graph and based on which puts foreword the assembly topology model of elements , Fixture Elements Assembly Relationship Graph ( FEARG ) .


  11. The oriented graph and adjacency matrixes of influencing factors of the network scale are constructed . On the basis of transposition law , reachability matrixes are obtained . Then the hierarchical structure model is established .


  12. The paper presents an elimination approach to the oriented graph which is used to reorder the structure of the asymmetric sparse-matrix according to the rule of minimal fills or minimal long operations in LU factorization .


  13. By this algorithm combined with the adaptive generation technology for finite element method ( FEM ) mesh , the mathematics mesh is built , and then in the travel theory of the oriented graph , a final cover system for NMM can be efficiently formed .


  14. And then made a brief introduce to this system according to each module : Use the weighting oriented graph as the data structure of the teaching order design area , and realize the function of teaching order design area using the vector of standard template library as the stack ;


  15. In TTTCS , the thermal system is defined as an oriented graph with device-interface method , the arithmetic of system identification is combined with other arithmetic used in the oriented graph and network optimization , and q-y-x method is used to solve the reheat system .


  16. The Object Oriented Process Graph Development and Display System


  17. Research of Network Connectivity Analysis Oriented Attack Graph Generation


  18. Algebric Method for the Realization of the Functions of Oriented Functional Relationship Graph


  19. In this paper , the following tasks have been accomplished : ( 1 ) Analyzing the constraint relation of parts to accomplish Oriented Functional Relationship Graph ( OFRG ) assembly modeling .


  20. Through extending the traditional spatial data structure , and researching the spatial operation and spatial relation which include temporal attrib , adopt Object Oriented method and Hyper graph Based Data Structure to define the spatio temporal model .


  21. From the viewpoint of application , This paper introduces the key design technique of programming for object - oriented in power system graph and the network topology formation method , by using that method to develop the electric power system analysis software , It has much practical value .


  22. In this paper , the author obtains an upper bound of the spectral radius of oriented graphs by letting D be an oriented graph with n vertices .


  23. In this paper , the scores of oriented bipartite graphs are characterized and a criterion for a pair of lists of non-negative integers to be the scores of some oriented bipartite graph is obtained .
